That’s Good News

“I finally hit my bullshit threshold this morning following the most insanely dumb bullshit ‘news’ week ever, so I set my inter net to block everything from CNN and Fox News. I decided the way I’m going to get my news from now on is by walking out front and looking down the street. If everything isn’t on fire, that’s good news.”

Jeffrey Rowland

Wikipedia: Old and Busted. Uncyclopedia: The New Hotness

Pope – Uncyclopedia:

The Pope is the overlord and master of The Vatican. In the late 1920s he used the awesome power of Vatican City to write his grocery list on the sun. However, this caused a chain reaction, the result of which is that the sun will become a volleyball in 2037 as opposed to millions or billions of years from now. The Pope fears only one thing, and that is a collision with Anti-Pope.

Overheard On A Livejournal

From Ben Lehmann’s lj:

I’d just like to give a shout out to Fugu, a really excellent piece of SFTP software for OS X.

I am terrified that I am in violation of some ordinance. Are whiteboys allowed to give shout-outs? Are we allowed to give to software?

A reply in the comments:

Yes. You’re in violation of the Keep It Real, Yo Act of 1997. Amended in 2003 to ban the use of the -izzle construction by white guys, but fortunately you haven’t violated that portion yet.

A more “serious” reply:

No, you guys are all confused. Whiteboys are always allowed to use slang no longer in use. “Shout outs” haven’t happened on record tracks since… god… Midnight Marauders or the 2nd Bustarhymes album? Either way, we’re talking over 10 years ago. Kids these days don’t even know what a shoutout is.

Brothels Of Grand Rapids

Too funny. Via MeFi, a Yahoo story tells us that googling on “brothel” and a zip code turns up interesting results.

  • Goodrich Radio and Theaters, Inc
  • Acton Institute
  • These Last Days
  • Urban Institute for Contemporary Art
  • Cornerstone University: Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary
  • Kalamazoo College

I had no idea.

Not surprised about the Acton Institute though; as far as I can tell their entire raison d’etre is to be whores for Microsoft.

BTW, the “These Last Days” web page is not to be missed.

Oh, also BTW — the Yahoo story acts like it’s some big conspiracy mystery why these things show up as “brothels” but it’s easy if you employ a few brain cells. Click on a result, and it will give you a link to the relevant web page. In every case it is a page containing the wordbrothel” and the address of the relevant organization (e.g. in a footer).