Elder Alter Ego

A woman just walked up to me in Susie’s Doughnuts and said that she had to tell me this — that I looked just like her ex-husband, but younger — that I had the same hair color, ponytail, beard, way of sitting, I even sounded like him coughing (I’ve been hacking up a lung for the past couple days because of a cold or something).

Apparently her ex is this guy. I guess I’ve got a phantom older brother roaming around Grand Rapids.

Back when I lived in Chapel Hill people kept telling me I looked like somebody they knew; I eventually uncovered that the phantom me was named “Chip” and that he was described as a “scenester” — a hip afficionado of the Chapel Hill music scene. From those two pieces of information I discerned that he must be the evil twin.

By the way, being able to post to the blog from MarsEdit without opening a browser or anything is freaking addictive. Expect tons of impromptu posts about nothing from me in days to come.

UPDATE: Google Images gives me this and this and this as images I can identify as him. I don’t think the resemblance is that strong, do you?

Write a HTTP server, become fixated upon by deranged repo men

Funny and scary. it’s all here, via memepool.

Summary: some repo guy who thinks he’s living in a Hollywood thriller gets his site hacked. Somebody is discussing the hack on a Russian hacker BBS. The BBS or some site associated with it happens to run thttpd, which Jef Poskanzer wrote, so it contains a link to his home page. Jef owns acme.com, which once offered email redirection. Another repo guy on the internet, named Dave, happened to use an acme.com account before Jef shut down the redirection.

From this the repo guys (“investigative savants” as Dave later put it when he was brought into the conversation) concluded that Dave had hired Jef to hack the repo guy’s website.

And hilarity ensued, and also creepiness (such as looking up Jef’s personal info and harassing his relatives and neighbors).

The intarweb’s a dangerous place.

So is the mind of a deranged repo man.