Hydrogen/Ardour/Synth thing

I put this together today. The melody is something I dorked together a couple days ago using “midikeys” and “simplesynth” to play a soundfont into ardour while a click track played in the background. Today I designed a a drumbeat to go with it. It was trippy — once I set up the synchronization between Jack and Hydrogen as described in the tutorial, not only did hydrogen start playing when I started recording in Ardour, but when I started playing my Hydrogen stuff while I composed it, it triggered my melody to play in Ardour! So I could put the drum track together in Hydrogen and have the melody play in the background in sync with the patterns I was composing. Neat.

Steve It

I make a foray into mashupland, aided by the magic of GarageBand — and bring you Steve It.

Released under a “I don’t have any legal right to sample this crap in the first place so I can hardly restrict other people from redistributing or modifying my work” license. :)

Joan Jett vs. Queen – We Will Rock and Roll You

beatmixed: Joan Jett vs. Queen – We Will Rock and Roll You:

Now that’s some tasty mashup!

The trouble with mashups for someone as musically clueless as me is that half the time they’re mashing up things you’ve never heard of. Here’s a technically tight, catchy mashup, accessible to chumps like me. Ain’t nobody hasn’t listened to to Joan Jett and Queen, nobody my age anyway.

Tackhead in the area!

I never thought I’d see it — a live tackhead video on their site. Recently recorded.

“I take donations from all denominations! In any currency, big or small…”

I haven’t heard this song in years. Never heard it live. Wow.

And there’s a new Tackhead song in the “downloads” section too. I never thought I’d use the words “new Tackhead song.”


And you can order their first album again for the first time in about a zillion years… shipping to the U.S. from Japan’s a killer though.

I swear this site was not up, none of these things were around, last time I looked for Tackhead stuff. Schweet.

OK, I’m really going to sleep now, I’m even going to save the new Tackhead track to listen to tomorrow.