Overcompensating: Blog Song

Overcompensating: Actual Things That Happen to Jeffrey Rowland: Blog Song

With the new iBlogoscope Pro you can wriggle blindly through the moist, decaying flesh of free information just like the maggot you are. Three hundred and sixty degrees of things you never really needed to know about.Just kidding, Blogosphere, you know I consider you mildly digestible on occasion. But I’m calling you the Blogodrome from now on. You know it’s cooler!

The comic itself made me laugh.  I’m hooked on Jeffrey Rowland’s stuff.

Iran Renames Danish Pastries


Tehran, 7 Feb. (AKI) – Iran has decided to rename Danish pastries “Mohammedan” pastry – a new twist in the crisis which has triggered protest by Muslims throughout the world against cartoons of Mohammed first published in Denmark.

Man, what kind of morons would rename a food item in protest of the country it was named after?  Sheesh.

One thing we’re learning about Iran these days — they sure have a sense of humor.

Probably a desirable quality in a nuclear or almost-nuclear power.