Haskell is kind of terse

Prelude> -- Hey Haskell! Show me the distribution of totals of 3 six sided dice.
Prelude> import Data.List
Prelude Data.List> [ (head w, length w) | w < - (group $ sort [ x + y + z | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6], z <- [1..6] ])]
Prelude Data.List>

So where’d that come from?

Here is how that one liner was built up bit by bit…

Prelude Data.List> Prelude Data.List> [1..6]
Prelude Data.List> [ x | x <- [1..6]]
Prelude Data.List> [ x + y | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6]]
Prelude Data.List> [ x + y + z | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6], z <- [1..6]]
Prelude Data.List> sort [ x + y + z | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6], z <- [1..6]]
Prelude Data.List> group $ sort [ x + y + z | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6], z <- [1..6]]
Prelude Data.List> [ length w | w <- group $ sort [ x + y + z | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6], z <- [1..6]]]
Prelude Data.List> [ head w | w <- group $ sort [ x + y + z | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6], z <- [1..6]]]
Prelude Data.List> [ (head w, length w) | w <- group $ sort [ x + y + z | x <- [1..6], y <- [1..6], z <- [1..6]]]
Prelude Data.List>