The Box O’ Truth #5 – The Locks O’ Truth
I’m not much of a gun guy, but this is a really fun page about how easy it actually is to shoot a lock off a door like they do in the movies.
Pinging stuff I care about.
The Box O’ Truth #5 – The Locks O’ Truth
I’m not much of a gun guy, but this is a really fun page about how easy it actually is to shoot a lock off a door like they do in the movies.
Further Linux geeky commenting and elaboration —
There are a lot of things to like about KDE — the integration of applications and the beauty of the design have a lot to recommend them — but when you switch systems and don’t have an absolutely compelling reason to stay switched, there’s always something that drives you nuts and drives you back. For me it was that I needed the GIMP image editor to do anything worthwhile — there’s no KDE equivalent that’s worth crap — and non-KDE applications like the GIMP look terrible when you try to run them in KDE. Seriously terrible.
I think if I had started out using KDE I’d love it to pieces. I try to give it a shot every so often, but I just end up going back to GNOME, the default Ubuntu desktop.
3 GOP senators blast Bush bid to bypass torture ban – The Boston Globe
Three key Republican senators yesterday condemned President Bush’s assertion that his powers as commander in chief give him the authority to bypass a new law restricting the use of torture when interrogating detainees.
Good for them. Shame on Bush.
Glad to see that executive power unchecked even by explicit prohibition of torture is something worth breaking ranks over to some Republicans.
These guys discuss how hard it is to get paid by teh Google. I might have to give up on the ads — I will not reach $100 in my lifetime at current click rates.