Ruby on Rails

I have been a fan of Ruby for four years, but now suddenly Ruby’s cool because of Ruby On Rails. Course I didn’t know how to use Ruby on Rails. So I went from being ahead of the curve to behind the curve in a few short months. But Dreamhost has it, so I dinked around with it. I didn’t create a buzzworthy new web app in a day or two, but I did throw together a silly little database driven application in about 20 minutes.

Feel free to consult the guru, and add your own wisdom (or delete wisdom you don’t approve of). There’s no security or logins or any of that jive yet.

Recording is the killer

I just listened to the first installment of Radio Uke C and was enthralled. Wanted to join in. So I got out my uke and tried about a zillion times to record a listenable version of an old REM song I liked, like Wendell Gee or Swan Swan Hummingbird, no luck there.

Clinton’s rather more dedicated to his uke than I am, and has been at it longer, and is, like, in a band and stuff. But it was still discouraging.

By sheer luck, on iTunes, Uke C Radio segue’ed immediately into a production of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.