Martian Rock Samples — a blog to watch. Target audience: men Kev’s age, who are Kev. And me.
Category: Friends
little more than a placeholder: Fear and loathing
little more than a placeholder: Fear and loathing
The best I’ve been able to come up with so far is the analogy of a battered spouse. Many of those who voted for the monster in the White House acknowledge that he has misled them over Iraq, and realise that he is presiding over an ailing economy, but vote for him regardless. Yet they return to him however much he hits them.
[…] This country is a political mess beyond my fathoming. NPR ran interviews over the weekend with people who seemed to agree with Kerry on every policy, believed Bush had lied (and was wrong) about Iraq and yet were going to vote for him “because he acts on principle” and “because Kerry can’t be trusted”.
Nightly News
Nightly News by Puddingbowl Productions — more terrifying even than the 2000 election coverage.
The “making of” video is not to be missed.