Rove And Stuff

I guess it will be a good thing if Rove gets the shaft for blowing a CIA agent’s cover for political reasons. Even better if he goes to jail (wildly unlikely). But it seems weird to me that after letting so many things pass — the bogus links between Al Qaeda and Iraq, the bogus WMD, BS from Halliburton, the Downing Street Memo, all that stuff, going way back to 2000 when Jeb Bush disenfranchised thousands of black voters and gave the election to Dubya…

After all that, why did this Rove thing provoke the media to reach down and find a pair? They’ve been giving Bush a free ride for five years of fraud and abuse, but now suddenly, too late to do anything about it, after the reelection, they are outraged?

Don’t really get it.


For work reasons, I’ve had to acquire a Linux/Windows capable PC. I’m addicted to laptops, so I got the cheapest new laptop I could possibly find — a display model Acer Aspire 3000 from Circuit City. It’s not half bad!

I did a clean install of Windows XP Home Edition, to get rid of the detritus that random Circuit City employees and customers had left upon it. Then I got ready to install Ubuntu on it.

I found some good advice on repartitioning the drive on the Ubuntu Linux forums (I can’t find the exact post right now) — I burned myself a System Rescue CD and used qtparted to resize the windows partition down to 6 megs, then I made several linux partitions (on the theory that I will want to mess around trying different distributions from time to time).

I installed Ubuntu onto one of them, and it went pretty smoothly. The only big challenge was getting the built-in wireless to work; for that I needed to use “ndiswrapper” — and there was lots of good advice on using ndiswrapper on the Ubuntu Linux forums.

What I like about Ubuntu is that, while it’s not necessarily a quantum leap easier to use out of the box than any other linux distribution, the community and culture are very newbie-friendly. Ubuntu users do not have the Linux Attitude. They’re always doing their best to give clear instructions on how to do hard things, to hold people’s hands and empower them.

Nobody on the Ubuntu fora would ever answer a question like “how would I copy this image file to a floppy” with the two word answer: “man dd.” You can’t say that about most Linux users.

It looks like it’s going to be pretty easy to get cool stuff like JACK working on this platform too. Woot!

This might be fun.

Blogging vs. Being Hired

Via PJ and many others, “Bloggers Need Not Apply,” an article about how an academic hiring team kept finding reasons on candidates’ blogs not to hire them.

This has caused a lot of appalled reaction among bloggers, who seem to ignore a couple of points in it —

Don’t get me wrong: Our initial thoughts about blogs were, if anything, positive. It was easy to imagine creative academics carrying their scholarly activity outside the classroom and the narrow audience of print publications into a new venue, one more widely available to the public and a tech-savvy student audience.


…And in truth, we did not disqualify any applicants based purely on their blogs. If the blog was a negative factor, it was one of many that killed a candidate’s chances. More often that not, however, the blog was a negative, and job seekers need to eliminate as many negatives as possible.

So they didn’t consider blogging inherently problematic, it’s just that every time they looked at somebody’s blog there was something that made them want to hire them less. But of course it’s still rather chilling to suggest that bloggers shouldn’t try to get academic jobs, and academic hopefuls shouldn’t have blogs.

I read this and I can’t help thinking of this insightful blog entry — about the difference between “public,” “private,” and “secret,” and about how on the Web there is no “private,” only “public” and “secret.” Go read it now. Really. It’s a must read.

That is the central problem, I think. The elimination of the private register, and the shunting of private conversation into the public sphere.

This “blogging being poisonous to hiring” thing is just a symptom of the problem.

UPDATE: Dan Gillmor’s remarks on this are pretty on target.