Carnac The Magnificent Speaks

holds sealed envelope to his head

Obama will do very well; Clinton will do badly; she and the media will spin it so that it sounds like she did better than she in fact did; she will vow to continue till the bitter end, and if it costs the Democrats the election, that’s too bad, they can try again in ’12 with her as a candidate.

opens envelope, reads

It says “What will happen in Pennsylvania tomorrow?” Gosh, I got lucky. I was answering as if it said “what has happened in virtually every state so far.” But I was right anyway.

2 thoughts on “Carnac The Magnificent Speaks”

  1. Carnac holds to envelope to his head and says:
    John McCain, Barrack Obama, and Hillary Clinton

    Opens the envelope and reads:
    Who is the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

  2. Would you mind being a douchebag on some other blog? Thanks.

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