The Grand Rapids Press on Erik Prince and Blackwater, With A Note On Another Classmate

Holland native, his security firm cash in on war

Security firm claims same rights as Army

(quote: “In court papers, Blackwater argues it cannot be held liable because it has become an irreplaceable part of the military and, as such, cannot be sued.”)

And for the morbidly curious:

Excerpts from Blackwater 61 cockpit recorder

And the consequences of that incident:

Plane Crash Leaves Anger, Questions

In the course of reading the story I learned that another of my classmates is Somebody Important now — state rep Bill Huizenga. He apparently worked for Pete Hoekstra — Hoekstra’s a buddy of Rick Santorum, and with him famous for revealing the discovery of the long-sought, fabled weapons of mass destruction in Iraq… and when American intelligence officials said that Hoekstra and Santorum were either wrong or lying, they retaliated by suggesting that the CIA must be full of Al Qaeda moles. McCarthy would be proud.

As far as I can remember, Bill, like Erik, was a perfectly nice, decent guy. Hate to see him keeping such shady company.