Why Lisp macros are cool, a Perl perspective
I used to be really into learning cool programming languages, which to me included cousins of Perl like Ruby and Python, Lisp-family languages like Scheme and occasionally Common Lisp, functional or logic languages like Haskell and Prolog, and others like Io, Icon, and Javascript. (“Learning” in this context means “reading about and trying out some tiny toy programs with” in the case of all but Ruby, Scheme, and Python.)
I don’t do that much anymore cause I have my brain full with Perl all day, but just because of that, I enjoyed this short note about the main way Common Lisp (and other macroful lisp dialects) rocks over Perl — written by Perl maestro Mark-Jason Dominus, who has just written a book on the really cool topic of higher-order programming in Perl.