“The results of this poll are truly astonishing,” said AfterDowningStreet.org co-founder Bob Fertik. “Bush’s record-low approval ratings tell just half of the story, which is how much Americans oppose Bush’s policies on Iraq and other issues. But this poll tells the other half of the story – that a solid plurality of Americans want Congress to consider removing Bush from the White House.”
Well, lovely as that sounds, America elected the wrong set of Senators and Congressmen to make that a possibility. And do we really want to set a precedent of continual impeachment? Impeaching two presidents in a row? I mean, yeah, he deserves it a hell of a lot more than Clinton did. Thousands and thousands of human beings died for his lies, whereas the only deaths involved in Clinton’s lies in any way were spermatozoa — and they preceded the lies. But I can’t see how, say, impeaching Bush and putting Cheney officially in power would improve the nation’s situation.