The Comics Curmudgeon… I don’t know why I started reading it, but I can’t stop. Take the vicious bad attitude that gossip bloggers reserve for Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Tom Cruise, and apply it to Mark Trail, Mary Worth, and the Family Circus. That’s the Curmudgeon. The Curmudgeon pays way, way too much attention to every turn of phrase and nuance of third-rate art in the strips, and everything he sees disturbs, disgusts, or appalls him. And he lets his readers know. I’m hooked.
Category: General
Books that make you what?
I’m guessing better titles for this Facebook-powered investigation of the relation between favorite books and SAT scores, via colleges, would be “books that make you rural,” “books that make you black,” and/or “books that make you poor.”
Just speculating there.
Conspiracy Theory a la Wonkette?
George W. Bush: We Hate To Bring Up the Nazis, But They Fled To South America, Too:
Here’s a fun question for Tony Snow: Why might the president and his family need a 98.840-acre ranch in Paraguay protected by a semi-secret U.S. military base manned by American troops who have been exempted from war-crimes prosecution by the Paraguyan government?
The Rev. Moon, close compatriot of the senior (Señor?) President Bush, is involved, too.
Just a little bit weird.
The Associated Press: Democrat Kucinich Quits White House Race
The Associated Press: Democrat Kucinich Quits White House Race:
The primaries are over, and America lost. :(
Iraq Mortality Researchers Accused Of Having Psychic Powers
Have you heard about the “discrediting” of the Iraq mortality reports published in the Lancet? I heard about it on NPR. One of the “discreditors” was interviewed and his conclusions were not questioned.
You see, the conservative National Journal published an article showing that the study was largely funded by a group sponsored by George Soros, who has been a vocal critic of George Bush.
They conclude that therefore the study must have been a made-up anti-Bush hit piece.
However, the NJ reporters were informed, before they went to press, of the fact that the Lancet studies were not commissioned by the Soros group. Their financial support was indirect (through MIT), started late in the project, and the researchers themselves were never informed of it. Indeed, Soros is not likely to have
So the reporters from the National Journal must have concluded that the mortality researchers used precognition, clairvoyance, and telepathy to find out that there would, in the future, be money which indirectly originated with a vocal supporter of George Bush, used to publicize their research reports.
Those psychic premonitions must have influenced them to fake their results, so as to make them something that the Soros-sponsored organization wanted to publicize.
I understand Tarot cards have not been ruled out either. Those Lancet researchers are a wily bunch.
Good thing we have conservative journals to ferret this psychic foolery out, and the mainstream media to widely, and uncritically, publicize the conservative journal’s conclusions.