Sen. Craig Didn’t Proposition A Page In 1982, If That’s What You’re Thinking.

The Craig Story Takes A Seinfeld Twist – Couric & Co.:

In 1982, CBS News broke stories on the Congressional page sex scandal. In the first story, an unidentified page said he’d been propositioned by male members of Congress. Though the story didn’t implicate then-Representative Craig, nor any member of Congress by name, Craig immediately issued angry denials of any involvement… the only member to do so.


2 thoughts on “Sen. Craig Didn’t Proposition A Page In 1982, If That’s What You’re Thinking.”

  1. “If you throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit.”

    — old Somali saying

  2. I really shouldn’t laugh, this being a serious issue and all, but that’s pretty funny. Methinks he doth protest too much.

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