Word Choice, Word Choice

Coeur d’Alene Press Newspaper – Local and National News – Kootenai County, Idaho:

We urge Sen. Craig to remove all the clouds and resign. […] If Idaho cannot trust their most powerful representative in the nation’s capital.

On Monday, after the Capitol Hill newspaper “Roll Call” published the story of Craig’s arrest June 11 in Minneapolis and his conviction Aug. 8, the senator did not own up to his misdemeanor crime. He did not apologize to his family, to the fabulous staff that has supported him for more than a quarter century in Congress, to his constituents here in Idaho.

“Fabulous”? How often do you think sober Idahoan editorialists drop the word “fabulous” into articles when they’re not talking about a closeted gay Senator?

Sen. Craig Didn’t Proposition A Page In 1982, If That’s What You’re Thinking.

The Craig Story Takes A Seinfeld Twist – Couric & Co.:

In 1982, CBS News broke stories on the Congressional page sex scandal. In the first story, an unidentified page said he’d been propositioned by male members of Congress. Though the story didn’t implicate then-Representative Craig, nor any member of Congress by name, Craig immediately issued angry denials of any involvement… the only member to do so.


AlterNet: Edwards Goes After the ‘Corporate Democrats’

AlterNet: Edwards Goes After the ‘Corporate Democrats’ — Is This a Turning Point for His Campaign?:

[The system is] controlled by big corporations, the lobbyists they hire to protect their bottom line and the politicians who curry their favor and carry their water. And it’s perpetuated by a media that too often fawns over the establishment, but fails to seriously cover the challenges we face or the solutions being proposed. This is the game of American politics and in this game, the interests of regular Americans don’t stand a chance.

Edwards, you’re no Dennis Kucinich, but you’re starting to look like a really really good next best choice.

Railing against the current system isn’t the same thing as changing it, but Hillary, for example, isn’t even willing to speak the truth about it.