Holy crap. Could it be we *did* elect Kerry?

Check this out..

Via MetaFilter, which has links to a lot of other similar material.

A bizzare pattern of impossible anomalies This has long been known : the welter of financial ties of Diebold and ES&S to the radical religious right (with stakeholders currently, it seems, on the secretive CNP) and Bob Fitrakis notes : “Wherever Diebold and ES&S go, irregularities and historic Republican upsets follow.” Howard Ahmanson was the original funder for Bob and Todd Urosevich’s Data Mark,which became ES&S, Bob later left to head Diebold ,maker of HAVA Act mandated touch screen voting machines used in Ohio and Florida and elsewhere….Ahmanson is a Christian Reconstructionist (a form of Dominionism ) who has talked of imposing Biblical law on the US – including the death penalty for gays and drunkards – and is also a main funder of the Chalcedon Foundation. However, the most bizzare patterns of anomalies in Florida came not from touch-screen but optical scan machines. Florida’s central vote tabulator also is Diebold made, raising questions on the a bizzare pattern of anomalies in which a large number of counties in Florida had increases in Republicans votes over expected levels – by an overall average of 50% to 100% and – in one county, as high as 700%. Meanhwhile, here are graphs of variance between exit poll results for battleground states.

(go to the MeFi article for the heavily hyperlinked version of the above paragraph)
